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Migraines - suffer no longer...address the underlying cause


Article by Angela Haldane

Q. I have suffered from migraines for years. How can I best manage them naturally?

A. A migraine is characterised by vascular dilation producing a unilateral headache. Factors such as low blood sugar, or flickering lights/glare, hormonal fluctuations, stress, lack of sleep, or a food allergy such as cheese, chocolate, red wine can trigger a migraine.

Herbal medicine has the ability to balance hormonal levels, relax the nervous system and assist with sleep.
There are a few herbs in particular with a long tradition of preventing migraines, or at least reducing the severity and frequency of attacks. It would be best to seek a naturopathic consultation so that a prescription can be made for you.

Active Elements Magnesium (3.1 or 4.2) relaxes the smooth muscle of the vessel walls, thereby easing the migraine. You would need to take this on a regular basis or use as an ‘acute’ – taking 1 tablet hourly for 5 hours.
A Mineral appraisal is worthwhile to help you select the right mineral formulae for you. These minerals are available on this website.

An allergy test can identify the triggers for your migraines.

Eat regular savoury protein foods, have a massage regularly and stress management is vital in the prevention of migraines.

Posted: Thursday 27 May 2021